Starting and Stopping SQL Server with PowerShell

Have you ever had this issue? You are trying to explore new features of SQL Server or you want to install the latest version for some testing, but SQL Server is a resource hog and kills your the performance of your PC. I have been evaluating SQL Server 2019 including both flavors of Analysis Services. That means I am installing the Developer edition of SQL Server on my laptop (a Yoga 900) running Windows 10.

See the source image

I have dealt with this issue in the past by opening the services window and setting the Startup Type to Manual and then turning it on when I wanted to work with them. In my current use case, I did not want to have to manage that with a lot of clicks. So, my thought was this should be easy with PowerShell. Of course, nothing is easy when it is not something you do everyday. So I started digging.

I found it is definitely possible but you need to know the steps that matter including making sure that PowerShell will execute the scripts on your PC. So here are the steps and code.

Empowering Your PC to Run Your PowerShell

The first issue is that PowerShell will not execute on your PC until you allow it. You will need to open PowerShell as an Administrator. You can leave the window open once we are done here. The following code will allow code created on your PC to be executed on your PC.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Shutting Down SQL Server with PowerShell

I chose to create two PowerShell files that will allow me to execute these steps for all the services I am managing in. In my examples, I have three instances of SQL Server – Data Engine Services, Analysis Services – Multidimensional Model, and Analysis Services – Tabular Mode.

The code required to startup SQL Server is noted below.

Set-Service 'MSSQL$DOWSQL2019' -StartupType Disabled
Stop-Service -Name 'MSSQL$DOWSQL2019' -Force

Let’s break it down. The first line will actually set the StartupType to Disabled. This will prevent it from restarting via a reboot. You will need to be intentional about restarting the service. The second line is the command to stop the service. The “Force” flag will shut down dependant services like SQL Agent if you have that running.

You will need to know the service name. SQL Server Data Engine Services are typically named “MSSQL$” followed by the instance name. If you are using Analysis Services, the naming using “MSOLAP$” as the prefix.

You can run these scripts directly in your PowerShell window. I did this while testing them. I wrote them in Visual Studio Code, but had issues executing them. You may be fine, I wanted to let you know my experience. Once I had my three instances scripted, I saved them in a file called SQLServerOff.ps1.

Turning Them on with PowerShell

The process and the code is similar. You first need to enable the services then start them up.

Set-Service 'MSSQL$DOWSQL2019' -StartupType Manual
Start-Service -Name 'MSSQL$DOWSQL2019' 

I chose the Startup Type “Manual” so I still need to turn them on. It is possible to set that to Automatic if you want it to start up on a reboot for instance. I then saved these in a file called SQLServerOn.ps1.

Running the PS1 Files

There are a couple of options to execute your file. While I was testing and I used the PowerShell window I had open. In order to execute your file replace “YOUR PATH” with the full path to the script.

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> & "YOUR PATH\SQLServicesOn.ps1"

While a good pattern, I was still looking for the “one-click” solution. Some more digging resulted in me finding the way to execute PowerShell file from a shortcut. I did this by going to the desktop, right clicking an empty space and creating a new, blank short cut. Here is the command you can use for the shortcut:

powershell.exe -noexit -File “YOUR PATH\SQLServicesOn.ps1”

Add the snippet above with the proper path for your code to the shortcut location. Once you have named your shortcut and saved it, you need to open the properties on the shortcut. Go to the advanced settings and run this as Administrator (this will not work without that setting turned on). You can now add the shortcut to a place convenient for you such as your task bar.

While I focused on SQL Server services, this will work other services as well. Enjoy!

Power BI and Data Security – Audit Logs, Powershell, Power BI and @AngryAnalytics

The following has been reposted with permission from Steve Howard a.k.a. @AngryAnalytics. I have made some formatting changes but the content is unchanged. Thanks again to Steve for allowing me to repost this content. You can find the original post and the rest of Steve’s great work on his blog.

Power BI Audit Log Analytics Solution

As Power BI adoption in your organization grows, it becomes more and more important to be able to track the activity in the environment.

When you start to think about deploying a Power BI Audit Log solution that is repeatable there are a few challenges that you will face.

  • Going to the O365 Audit Logs portal each time you want to extract log events is a manual process and doesn’t scale
  • When automating this process through API or PowerShell, there is a limit to how much data you can pull, therefore examples that are currently available also don’t scale very well
  • The AuditData field is a JSON format by default and although Power BI can parse JSON beautifully, when doing this over several thousand record entries may result in data load errors

Based on these factors, i have put together a PowerShell script that can be scheduled on a nightly basis that can iterate MORE than 5000 records so that no data is lost. Also, the screenshot below is of an initial template that you can use to start with to analyze your audit logs for your organization.


  • The required files can be found on my GitHub
  • Update the PowerShell script with a UserID and Password that has O365 audit log privileges
  • Use Task Scheduler to schedule the PowerShell script to run each night at midnight (run as admin).
  • At the end of the script, specify the directory you would like the script to generate CSV files in
  • In the PBIX file, it was challenging to get a parameter to work for the file location that the CSVs are in, so in the Query Editor the script for the AuditLog table needs to be manually modified to include your file path.
  • Enjoy

Quick look at the PowerShell

First, there is a PowerShell script.

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

#This is better for scheduled jobs
$User = "<<enter o365 admin user email here>>"
$PWord = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "<<enter password here>>" -AsPlainText -Force
$UserCredential = New-Object -TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" -ArgumentList $User, $PWord

#This will prompt the user for credential
#$UserCredential = Get-Credential

$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session


$sessionName = (get-date -Format 'u')+'pbiauditlog'
# Reset user audit accumulator
$aggregateResults = @()
$i = 0 # Loop counter
Do { 
 $currentResults = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $enddate `
 -SessionId $sessionName -SessionCommand ReturnLargeSet -ResultSize 1000 -RecordType PowerBI
 if ($currentResults.Count -gt 0) {
 Write-Host (" Finished {3} search #{1}, {2} records: {0} min" -f [math]::Round((New-TimeSpan -Start $scriptStart).TotalMinutes,4), $i, $currentResults.Count, $user.UserPrincipalName )
 # Accumulate the data
 $aggregateResults += $currentResults
 # No need to do another query if the # recs returned <1k - should save around 5-10 sec per user
 if ($currentResults.Count -lt 1000) {
 $currentResults = @()
 } else {
} Until ($currentResults.Count -eq 0) # --- End of Session Search Loop --- #

foreach ($auditlogitem in $aggregateResults) {
 $datum = New-Object –TypeName PSObject
 $d=convertfrom-json $auditlogitem.AuditData
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name Id –Value $d.Id
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name CreationTime –Value $auditlogitem.CreationDate
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name CreationTimeUTC –Value $d.CreationTime
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name RecordType –Value $d.RecordType
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name Operation –Value $d.Operation
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name OrganizationId –Value $d.OrganizationId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name UserType –Value $d.UserType
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name UserKey –Value $d.UserKey
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name Workload –Value $d.Workload
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name UserId –Value $d.UserId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ClientIP –Value $d.ClientIP
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name UserAgent –Value $d.UserAgent
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name Activity –Value $d.Activity
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ItemName –Value $d.ItemName
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name WorkSpaceName –Value $d.WorkSpaceName
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name DashboardName –Value $d.DashboardName
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name DatasetName –Value $d.DatasetName
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ReportName –Value $d.ReportName
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name WorkspaceId –Value $d.WorkspaceId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ObjectId –Value $d.ObjectId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name DashboardId –Value $d.DashboardId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name DatasetId –Value $d.DatasetId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name ReportId –Value $d.ReportId
 $datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name OrgAppPermission –Value $d.OrgAppPermission

#option to include the below JSON column however for large amounts of data it may be difficult for PBI to parse
 #$datum | Add-Member –MemberType NoteProperty –Name Datasets –Value (ConvertTo-Json $d.Datasets)

#below is a poorly constructed PowerShell statemnt to grab one of the entries and place in the DatasetName if any exist
 foreach ($dataset in $d.datasets) {
 $datum.DatasetName = $dataset.DatasetName
 $datum.DatasetId = $dataset.DatasetId

$datestring = $startDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
$fileName = ("c:\PBIAuditLogs\" + $datestring + ".csv")
Write-Host (" writing to file {0}" -f $fileName)
$data | Export-csv $fileName

Remove-PSSession -Id $Session.Id
  • Notice that you need to enter O365 audit log privileged credentials at the top so that this can be ran automatically. If you have more clever ways to pass these credentials in so they are not exposed in the file by all means, do that
  • The Do/Until loop handles if there are more than 5000 records in the result set which would easily be the case for a large Power BI community.
  • The foreach loop extracts the AuditData column JSON format and creates an individual record for each entry. This makes the Query Editor in Power BI less complex and easier to accomplish retrieving several hundred thousand records without import errors
  • finally we create a CSV for the data with the date of the file entries (yesterdays info if this is ran at midnight every day). This dumps each file in c:\PBIAuditLogs. You can obviously change this file location to wherever you want to store your CSV extracts

You can use Task Scheduler to run the above PowerShell script every night at midnight.

The PBIX file

In the Power BI file, we are connecting to the content of the entire folder shown above. I went ahead and included the PBIX file WITH the sample data so you could get an idea of what your data may look like.

This is where i have to admit that i tried to use a parameter for this but ran into some Query Editor challenges with how Power BI creates a Sample File transform to import multiple files from a single folder. If you can see what i did wrong here I would love your feedback, but for now, you can ignore the file directory parameter in the Query Editor and need to go to “Advanced Editor” on the “AuditLog” query and modify the file location to be the location you are dumping files from the PowerShell script.

Change the below file location as needed.

Once you have made this change, you should be able to “Close and Apply” and your data will now be populated in this basic audit log analytics view.

Using the file

I created a couple basic pages to get this blog post shipped and so you can start taking advantage of the solution, but it is nowhere near as complete as you can eventually make it. I have a simple overview page that was screenshotted above. It can help you determine number of active users, reports, dashboards, and datasets being used for any time period your audit log data covers.

The second page is a user activity view I created from a calculated table. It helps you determine which users in the system may be inactive so you can re-assign power bi licenses and also shows detailed activity for an individual user that you can select from the slicer.

Other things you can mine from this data:

  • Who has signed up for Free Power BI trials
  • What “Apps” are being created
  • what embed tokens are being generated and used
  • many other possibilities

The PowerShell script and the PBIX file are located on my GitHub here

Link to the original post:

Thanks again, Steve

Intro to Data Factory–Training on the T’s Follow Up Post

PragmaticWorks-LogoThis is a follow up blog post based on the Intro to Data Factory session I gave on the Training on the T’s with Pragmatic Works. Find more free training from the past and upcoming here. I did my session on January 13, 2015.

 Intro To Data Factory

In this session, I gave a simple introduction to new Azure Data Factory using a CopyActivity pipeline between Azure Blob Storage and Azure SQL Database. Below is a diagram illustrating the factory that is created in the demo.


I have published my presentation materials here. This includes the sample JSON files, the Movies.csv, and PowerShell scripts.

Q & A

Here are a few questions that were answered during the session.

1. Does Availability refer to when data that has been transferred will be available? Or when the data source is actually available for query?

Availability refers to when the datasets will make a slice available. This is the when the dataset can be consumed as an input or be targeted as an output. This means you can consume data hourly but choose to push it to its final destination on a different cadence to prevent issues on the receiving end.

2. What pre-requisites are must haves?…e.g.(Azure account, HDInsight, Blob Storage Accounts, etc.)

    • An Azure Account is the only real must have. You could use two on premise SQL Server instances.
    • HDInsight if you want to use the HDInsight activitities
    • An Azure Storage account to use blob or table storage

3. How do you decide to use a Factory or Warehouse?

The factory is more of a data movement tool. A warehouse could be a source or target of a factory pipeline.

4. Is this similar to SSIS in SQL Server?

Yes and no. SSIS is definitely more mature and has more tooling available such as data sources and transformations. SSIS also have a good workflow constructor. The focus of the Data Factory initially was to load HDInsight tables from a variety of sources with more flexibility. The other note here is that Data Factory is being built from the ground up to support the scale of the cloud or Azure.

5. Can this be used for Big Data?

Absolutely. I would say that it is one of the primary reasons for the tool. In reference to the previous question, it will likely be the tool of choice for big data operations because it will be able to scale with Azure.

Links to Additional Resources on Data Factory or tools that were used in the presentation:

Azure Data Factory on Azure’s Website

Azure Data Factory Documentation

Azure Data Factory Pricing

Azure Storage Explorer

Azure PowerShell Documentation

Thanks for joining me for this presentation. We look forward to seeing you at the next Free Training on the T’s.