Power BI Adding Translations to Rename Columns – XMLA, TOM, C#

If you are new to using C# and the Tabular Object Model (TOM), please check out the previous blog post (https://dataonwheels.wordpress.com/2021/10/15/power-bi-meets-programmability-tom-xmla-and-c/) for both an introduction to the topic and detailed instructions on getting the demo stood up.

For the TOM and XMLA experts, imagine this. Your customer wants to dynamically rename columns without using the Power BI Desktop and would prefer all existing report visuals not get broken by the new name. Impossible? Not with TOM, XMLA, and translations within Power BI.

If you’ve ever tried to change a column name in a Power BI source, you’ve likely run into this error on any visuals that contained the renamed column. And when you hit that “See Details”, it will tell you the column that you simply renamed is no longer available for your visual.

So how do we get around that? Translations. Translations are typically used to translate report entities to other languages that will change depending on what language the end user has set on their browser. However, we can hijack this functionality to rename columns without having to impact the data model. It is a bit confusing on why this works, but imagine this: you build a Lego pyramid, but learn that one of the blocks needs to be changed from blue to green. Couple of options, you can take apart the entire pyramid (this would be akin to reopening the PBIX in Power BI Desktop and changing all of your visuals) OR you can take a green marker and color that blue brick green (adding a translation from blue to green).

If you don’t need to put this code into C#, the Tabular Editor is an excellent tool for adding translations to your data model (https://tabulareditor.com/creating-multilingual-power-bi-datasets/). However if you would like to programmatically update column names using C#, feel free to use the script below in your solution.

At a high level, here’s the hierarchy of entities used:
Workspace – Dataset – Data Model – Cultures – Object Translations
Workspace – Dataset – Data Model – Table – Column – Translated Properties

Note: There can only be one translated property per culture.

To add translations, we first need to set which culture this translation belongs in. For this example, we will use “en-US” because that is what default browser we want these names applied to. The code snippet below will list out all the cultures (aka website language codes) that are configured in this data model and list out all the translated objects (data columns in this case) that already exist.

After setting the culture/language, narrow down the column that this translation will be applied to and create a variable for the translation object. The translation object consists of two parts, the metadata object (column in this example) and the property of that metadata that we want to translate (caption in this example which is essentially display name).

Once we have these elements, we can check to see if this column already has a translation for this culture. If it does, this script will remove the old translation to allow for overwriting. If it does not, it will add the new translation to the culture within the data model.

And that’s it!

Here’s what it looks like in the service. Don’t forget to refresh your report page if you have it open for the new name to appear. There’s no need to refresh the dataset.

Full C# code:

using System;
using Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Tabular;

namespace PowerBI_TOM_Testing
    class Program
        static void Main()

            // create the connect string - powerbi://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/WORKSPACE_NAME
            string workspaceConnection = "powerbi://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg/YOURWORKSPACE";
            string connectString = $"DataSource={workspaceConnection};";

            // connect to the Power BI workspace referenced in connect string
            Server server = new Server();
            // enumerate through datasets in workspace to display their names
            foreach (Database database in server.Databases)
                Console.WriteLine($"ID : {database.ID}, Name : {database.Name}, CompatibilityLevel: database.CompatibilityLevel}, Last Updated : {database.LastSchemaUpdate}");
            // enumerate through tables in one database (use the database ID from previous step)
            Model model = server.Databases["bb44a298-f82c-4ec3-a510-e9c1a9a28af2"].Model; 
            //if you don't specify a database, it will only grab models from the first database in the list
            foreach (Table table in model.Tables)
                Console.WriteLine($"Table : {table.Name} IsHidden? : {table.IsHidden}");

            // Specify a single table in the dataset
            Table table_product = model.Tables["Product"];

            // List out the columns in the product table
            foreach (Column column in table_product.Columns)
                Console.WriteLine($"Columns: {column.Name}");

            //Translations can be used to rename existing columns without rebuilding the model. This also updates any visuals that use that column. 
            // List of translations on the model
            foreach (Culture culture in model.Cultures)
                Console.WriteLine($"Existing Culture: {culture.Name}"); 

            // Let's get a list of the existing translations within the en_US culture
            Culture enUsCulture = model.Cultures.Find("en-US");
            foreach (ObjectTranslation objectTranslation in enUsCulture.ObjectTranslations) 
                Console.WriteLine($"Translated Object: {objectTranslation.Value}");
            // Narrow down what column within this culture/language you would like to add the translation to
            MetadataObject dataColumn = table_product.Columns.Find("Description"); //this needs to always be the original column name within the data model.
            ObjectTranslation proposedTranslation = enUsCulture.ObjectTranslations[dataColumn, TranslatedProperty.Caption];

            // Only one translation per entity per culture.
            if (proposedTranslation != null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Translation Exists for this Culture & Column combo");
                enUsCulture.ObjectTranslations.Remove(proposedTranslation); //need to remove the existing translation to overwrite it
                ObjectTranslation overwriteTranslation = new ObjectTranslation()
                    Object = dataColumn,
                    Property = TranslatedProperty.Caption,
                    Value = "Blue"
                ObjectTranslation newTranslation = new ObjectTranslation()
                    Object = dataColumn,
                    Property = TranslatedProperty.Caption,
                    Value = "Blue"


            // List out the translations to see what they are now that we have run the script    
            foreach (ObjectTranslation objectTranslation in enUsCulture.ObjectTranslations)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Final Translated Object: {objectTranslation.Value}");
model.SaveChanges(); //make sure this is the last line! 


Additional Resources:


Techfuse, a New Laptop, and How Microsoft Azure Helped Save the Day

On Tuesday, April 22, I had the opportunity to speak at the Techfuse conference in Minneapolis. I was presenting a session on the differences between tabular and multidimensional models with a focus on the developer’s experience. My deck has tenTechFuse_logo  slides including title, references, and bio. The rest of the time is spent in Visual Studio building out equivalent models in using SSAS Tabular and SSAS Multidimensional.

The previous week, I was issued a new laptop from my company, a Dell 7440. This is a very nice machine and I had it all set for the presentation. About 11 AM (I was scheduled to speak at 1:15 PM) it occurred to me that I did not recall seeing a VGA port only HDMI. Next question, did the projectors at the convention center support HDMI? Answer, No. Now I had about an hour and a half to resolve this issue. Simple, I decided to head downtown and get the convertor from Office Depot. This was about 8 blocks away. I could do that and get some exercise in.

I took off at about 11:30. First, I stopped at Target, it was closer. No luck. So on to Office Depot. Keep in mind that Office Depot sells laptops like mine with only HDMI support and it stands to reason that they would have the converter. No such luck. I was able to get the HDMI converted to DVI, but that would not help as I later found out. They directed me to Radio Shack where I promptly picked up a DVI – VGA converter. Now I have three pieces that when strung together should support my needs. I headed back to the convention center and arrived with 30 minutes to spare. Working with the AV guy, we got it all plugged in only to still have it not work. Turns out you need a convertor to convert the digital signal to analog for use in the older projectors. Now what?

The moderator for my room offered me her laptop to use for the presentation. Which was AWESOME! So now I have a way to give the presentation, all ten slides. However, she did not have Visual Studio with SSDT for BI and SQL Server installed. Which was fine, because I didn’t expect her to.

Here is where Azure comes in. I had created a VM with SQL Server Tabular installed along with Visual Studio 2012 and the SQL Server Data Tools for BI. So, I firedth9CGBMYN6 up the VM right before I gave the presentation. I warned the crowd about what had happened and decided to push the demos to the end of the presentation so everyone could leave if nothing worked and all the material could be covered.

I was able to get into the VM, fire up Visual Studio. Since the demo was a live build of a tabular model and multidimensional model, I used a database I had created in SQL Azure as the data source and we built it the models live. Granted we were not able to do a complete multidimensional model because the database was not formatted as star schema, but it helped highlight the difference between what needs to be done prior to development. Overall it went very well (I think, surveys are forthcoming…). At the end of the day, without the work I had been doing in Azure I would not have been able to demo and it would have been a very short presentation.

Some lessons learned –

  • Be sure to have what you need to support presenting in a variety of scenarios. I should have made sure to have a converter prior to the conference as most convention centers and other facilities haven’t upgraded their projectors yet.
  • I will likely set up Azure VMs to support more demos. Just in case. It is always good to have a backup plan though a wireless connection would have painful to do that on.
  • Roll with it. Don’t give up, try to make the best of a bad situation. People understand things don’t always go perfectly. At the end of the day, I came to talk about multidimensional and tabular model development. I could have opened the floor up for discussion and did Q&A. Make the most of every situation.

Steps to Preload Data into Tables with SSDT

I am working as the data architect and developer on a modern appMALL13_Badge_See125x125 build with a the team from Modern Apps Live! in Vegas.  The goal of the project is to provide guidance to build modern applications and use this application as a reference.  While the conference is focused on the why of the build, we have learned some interesting things about how as well.  This is one of those how items.

In this post, I needed to preload some data into the database.  I wanted to include this process in the database project I had created.  However, I quickly found out that this was not a straightforward as I thought it would be.  Here are the steps I followed and any of the gotchas along the way.

1. Create Scripts for the Load Queries.

I started out with scripts that included a DELETE statement followed by an INSERT statement.  However, this created problems when data existed, particularly when the table is a list table used as a foreign key.

Next, I tried MERGE.  This worked great.  This gives me a way to handle new records that are required for the lookup or any changes made to existing data.  Here is the script I used:

merge dbo.MVCategory as target 
using ( 
        select 1, 'Fun' 
        select 2, 'Technology' 
        select 3, 'Entertainment' 
        select 4, 'News' 
        select 5, 'Sports' 
        select 6, 'Off-Topic' 
    ) as source (CategoryID, CategoryName) 
    on target.CategoryID = source.CategoryID 
when matched then 
    update set target.CategoryName = source.CategoryName 
when not matched then 
    insert (CategoryID, CategoryName) values (source.CategoryID, source.CategoryName) 

After going through this process on my own, I also found the same recommendation from the SSDT team at Microsoft as noted here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ssdt/archive/2012/02/02/including-data-in-an-sql-server-database-project.aspx

2. Add the Scripts to Your Project

This step is pretty straight forward.  You can either create the script files and add them to your project or you can create them within your project as script files.

3. Change the Build Action to None

This was one of the key pieces I missed.  After I added the scripts to the project and then ran a build, it was broke the build.  Each of these files which were merge scripts reported an error during the build.  It turns out this is called out in the article I reference above as well.  SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) is designed to build database objects not manipulate data.  One other area of grief caused by this is that you can break the build in the solution if your project is part of a bigger solution such as mine.  As a result, you will get grief from the other developers, you can trust me on this one.

The image below shows where to set the Build Action property to NONE.  This will exclude these files from the build in this format.


4. Add a PostDeployment Script to Your Project

If you do not already have a PostDeployment Script, you need to do this at this point.  This is a specific type of script task that can be found in the Add menu.


5. Add SQLCMD Statements to the PostDeployment Script

The final part of the process is to add SQLCMD statement to the PostDeployment script to execute the files you have created.  As noted in the help in the template, you can execute the scripts by calling a single SQLCMD statement for each script.

:r .\PreLoadMVCategory.sql

The :r {filename} syntax will expand the script for execution during a publish call or DACPAC creation.

I hope you find this useful as well.  This is a common task required in creating solutions.

X-XMLA: v. Creating XMLA Script from Visual Studio and Deploy the Database


This will be the easiest entry in this series.  This is a reblog of an article I wrote last year.

Simple batch script to generate XMLA and deploy SSAS DB

As I was working through some issues with my cube design, I realized that I wanted to deploy my SSAS databases using XMLA in SSMS. This can be easily scripted from SSMS, but I had not deployed the database yet. As a result, I created a batch file to build the XMLA used to deploy a database. This script can be used for automated builds or even automated deployments if that fits into your model. I don’t write a lot of batch files so you may want to update the syntax as needed.  Read more…