Working with ALS

In July 2021, I (Steve) started experiencing issues with fine motor skills in my hands. As of September 2022, I was given a clinical diagnosis of ALS. It was about mid-September of 2021 when I first experienced difficulty typing, which was the first time I felt like my livelihood could be negatively affected. If you are interested in more information around my condition including my current status, feel free to check out my CaringBridge Site.

Why do I bring this up?

Throughout my career I have presented multiple times, authored books, actively blogged, and delivered a lot of code. I have been less active due to this condition. That being said, let’s talk about the good things that are going on. 3Cloud has been phenomenal in their support for me during this time. I have been able to take on a new role where I can still contribute while not putting projects at risk. My role now involves expanding the technology skill set of the data and analytics team through training, patterns and practices, thought leadership, and internal communities.

As I continue to adapt to these new circumstances, I’m becoming better at using speech to text tools and finding alternative approaches to doing the work that I do. I even found a really cool mouse that’s actually a bar! As I move forward, I will mix my writing on LinkedIn and on this blog with some technology topics and some reviews of the tools that I am using to maintain my work.

I look forward to continuing to engage the business community and technical community through these forums. I hope I’m able to help others who have similar conditions, whether it be arthritis or carpel tunnel syndrome or something like that. This is a hard business to be in when typing is very difficult or nearly impossible some days. Hopefully this will encourage others to persevere and continue in this line of work regardless of the circumstances.

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