It’s Been a While …

Last Post – SQL Saturday MN 2018

When last I wrote, it was after I spoke at SQL Saturday in Minnesota. I co-presented a pre-con with Josh Owen. Prior to that was a few weeks of blogs on Azure and Azure Data Week. As Pragmatic Works moved to an Azure focused company, I, too, was learning much about Azure and what it takes to move workloads to the cloud.sqlsat796_header                                                  Post Linkden

The New Role – Director of Consulting

In October 2018, I was promoted to Director of Consulting at Pragmatic Works. Over the past 6 months or so, I have had the chance to lead and grow the consulting team at Pragmatic Works. This has been a great growth opportunity for me and my career. I am not perfect by any stretch, but the team is awesome! Pragmatic Works Consulting continues to grow and do awesome work. email-signature

The Beat Goes On …

As I look forward to the next few months, there are some great things happening at home. I get to see my youngest daughter graduate from high school, my second child and oldest son will be graduating from Liberty University next month, and then he will be getting married to his college sweetheart. It is will be a busy summer and into the fall at my house. But it will be great as well. Love watching the family grow up and move us all to the next stage all of life.

As Pragmatic Works continues to grow this year, I look forward to seeing new team members join our team and existing team members expand skills and capabilities. In the last two years, Pragmatic Works has transformed itself from a SQL Server based solution company focused on Microsoft Business Intelligence to an Azure solutions company specializing in bring customers to Azure and Azure Data Services. It is an exciting time in technology today and we are a part of that excitement.

Here’s to a great year!


Five Years, A Quiet Quarter, A Look Ahead to 2016

Five Years of Blogging

From DataOnWheels Logo Original to data-on-wheels-1

My blogging story started on December 7, 2010. I have now had a blog for over 5 years. I want to thank all of you who have read my blog and interacted with me through it. You have seen me change the theme once and do a number of series. Here are some highlights from the past five years:

Top 5 Posts All Time

  1. Adding Top 10 Charts to Power View Which Honor Filters
  2. Simple batch script to generate XMLA and deploy SSAS DB
  3. T-SQL Window Functions – Part 1- The OVER() Clause
  4. Exploring Excel 2013 for BI Tip #14- Sparklines and Pivot Tables
  5. O, There’s the Data- Using OData in SSIS

Top Series All Time

The Excel BI Tips series has changed it name a couple of times. However, this tip series still rings true even today even as Microsoft invests in other tools. Look for some more Power BI content this year, but this series will continue to have updates. Also, look to see some Excel 2016 topics added to the list as that release becomes available. Here are the top ten tips from the series:


A tribute is an expression of gratitude or praise. A couple of years ago, I started a series about individuals who have impacted my career. I do this as a tribute to my father-in-law, Ed Jankowski who passed away in December 2009. Check out my original post about him and his impact on me being in software development today.

Some Stats

I want to thank everyone again for taking time to check out my blog. Here are some stats that I thought were cool and decided to brag about here:

  • 2011 daily average: 9 – 2015 daily average: 162
  • 156 posts
  • Best ever views in a day: 584

Thanks again for checking out my “help” library. As I noted in one of my posts, I blog to not forget and to pass along what I have learned. The key for me is that I do it when I can about topics that interest me.

A Quiet Quarter

The last statement holds true here. I have had a very quiet end of the year. I had blogs which followed up sessions, a practice that I intend to continue, and one BI Tip. November and December were quiet as my job and family took precedence as Pragmatic Works closed out the year strong and we had holiday activities at home including getting my two kids in college home. Well, the dust has settled so I am getting a few more posts published now. Look for the Minnesota SQL Server User Group and Minnesota BI User Group follow up posts this week.

Looking ahead to 2016

After a busy year last year, I am looking forward to having some new opportunities to write about Azure, SQL Server 2016, and other technologies I have not even seen yet. Are you excited for what is coming? Let’s have a great year working with data and analytics.

2014 Year In Review

imageAs is our want, we must look back over the past year to see what happened. While I normally focus on work related items, this year was a crazy year for our family as well as my career. So let’s have a look at what happened this year.

Traveling Family

2014 was a year that saw our family do a bunch of traveling. Although our trips were not all done together, it was travel all over the world. Here are some of our highlights:

  • My two oldest children, Kristy and Alex, went on a tour of Italy with the Burnsville High School Band. They saw Venice, Rome, and a few other cities. They were able to perform with the band during that trip.
  • Kristy journeyed to Israel with Grace Church right before the missiles started being launched. She was doing a Holy Land tour which she enjoyed a lot. However, as parents, getting a text that said, we left before the missiles landed around Bethlehem did make us a bit nervous.
  • Alex worked in an orphanage in Romania. He was significantly impacted with the conditions there and is looking for his opportunity to return and serve some more.
  • Andrew and Mikayla went to a town in Indiana for a weeklong trip with Teenserve and our church. They had the opportunity to join Family Cancunteens from around the country and perform repairs and general maintenance for a town in need.
  • Alex visited colleges in LA and Lynchburg
  • Andrew traveled to Chicago with band and a church group.
  • Our entire family enjoyed a true break in Cancun, Mexico. Truly a lot of fun and great downtime.
  • We followed the Cancun trip up with a cross country trip to Los Angeles to drop my oldest, Kristy, off at Biola College for her freshman year.
  • Andrew and I went to Key West with the Boy Scouts and sailed around the Keys for a week. That was truly enjoyable. I loved being on a boat.
  • Sheila and I enjoyed our company Holiday party in the One Ocean Resort in Florida
  • We wrapped up the year visiting family for the holidays in Kentucky.

Overall, we were all over the country and even the world. We were blessed to have the opportunities to experience so much this year.

Changing Employers

In the middle of all the travel, I celebrated 10 years at Magenic in March and transitioned to Pragmatic Works in October. I loved working at Magenic. During this year, I came to the realization that I wanted to focus more on data and BI solutions, so I made the move to Pragmatic Works. I enjoy my new company as much as my old one which is very good. Thanks to everyone at both places for supporting me and my career.


This past year, I also contributed to my third book. Hopefully you found it helpful. I also did a first for me this year, I reblogged a post from a friend and fellow Scouter, Jim Larson. His PowerShell work is awesome and I wanted to share it with my readers as well.

Thanks to My Readers

Finally, I wanted to thank all my readers. I appreciate your support. It has been cool to see my readership increase this year. I hope you find value in the technical content here. I look forward to hearing from you or even better, seeing you at SQL Saturdays and other events throughout the year.

Here’s to a great year in 2015!

Ten Years and Counting …

On March 8, 2014, I reached ten years of service at Magenic Technologies. When I started in 1999 (don’t do the math just yet), Magenic had only been around a few years and it was my first consulting job. I stayed at Magenic for about 5 1/2 years. During that time, I went from an application development consultant in Visual Basic to a Business Intelligence Architect specializing in SQL Server Analysis Services and MDX.

Magenic Logo At that point in my career, I was beginning to travel more and take on a much larger leadership role as Magenic was growing beyond that first office in Minneapolis, MN. I went to work for one our customers, XATA Corporation, as their Data Architect. For the next 4 1/2 years I learned a lot about transportation management and how important data was in that area. (My Twitter handle and domain name, DataOnWheels, was established during this time.) I also learned what it meant to live with your code and architecture after the consultant left. While at XATA, I continued to be involved in the SQL Server community which was very helpful for the next step.

There came a time in my stint at XATA, that it was clear that it was time for me to move on. I started the process of looking at what was available in the market. When I went to Magenic’s career site, I found that my job or its nearest equivalent was available. I called Carole Cuthbertson, “V-mom”, and asked about coming back. We had lunch a week later and the transition back to Magenic was set in motion. (So, if you leave a company you like for good reasons, never burn bridges! You might want to go back.)

When I told my wife that I was going back, she was glad I was. This kind of surprised me as I had been doing a lot of traveling before I left. She noted that I was happier working at Magenic which was better for our family. That was the final push I needed and I returned to Magenic. As I come up on this anniversary, I am really at great point in my career. I truly enjoy being a Practice Lead at Magenic and still consider it a a great place to work.

I recently was talking with a customer who pointed out that communicating ideas with 3 points is very effective. Ironically, I probably should have known that from all of the ministry training I went through. So, I thought I would conclude this post with the three reasons why I enjoy working for Magenic.

1. Family

As I noted above, my wife was happy when I went back to Magenic. What I realized is that no matter how hard it got, Magenic would do what they could to help your family while you worked for them. I realize that everyone’s experience is different, but I saw them work with consultants who were going through tough times with their family.

My Kids During my first couple of years there, I lost both of my maternal grandparents over two successive Christmases. I was close to my grandparents so when the news came, I still remember Tim Wold, my project manager and Magenic’s employee #1, telling me to go take care of my family and he would work out the details on his end. That was characteristic of management and leaders throughout my time here. Family matters to the owners, Greg Frankenfield and Paul Fridman, and that is carried through to the company.

My family has always been treated very well and they enjoy participating at the various events that the company has had from the Christmas party to the summer picnics.

2. Opportunity

When I joined Magenic, I had no idea what it meant to be a consultant. With mentoring and coaching, I was able to grow from a consultant to a practice lead. I am a technical leader in the company and have been able to expand my career throughout the years with their help. One of the biggest career changes was moving from application development to business intelligence. This has significantly shaped my career today in ways I would have never thought 15 years ago. During my time there, I was also encouraged to give back both internally and externally. This has opened up some great opportunities through the years.

3. Appreciation

Appreciation can take on a couple of different forms. Of course, being paid to do what you love is awesome! Even better when it pays well. However, there is more to appreciation than the paycheck. Magenic has an interesting culture which I had to learn through the years. Because we are hired to go and work at customer sites, it was not always known what or how we were doing. Magenic is a place where you can and should speak up about what your doing. While seeming counterintuitive and self serving at times, letting managers and other leaders know what I was doing, paid dividends for my career. Just as importantly, they were able to understand more about what was going on.

To me and my experience with Magenic, these are 3 key reasons that I returned and stay today. I am now in a place in my career where I need to give recognition to those whom it is due more than receive it. I have the opportunity to impact others in their careers and to help Magenic continue to grow.

I encourage all of you who read this to look at where you work. What is the culture like?Source: Do you like what you do? Can you see yourself there in 5, 10, 15 years? Keep your core values in mind as you seek to change companies or careers. If you have had a job move conversation with me, I have likely told you something like “The grass is always greener on the other side, but a lot times it’s because of the manure.”